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Letters to the Editor

Letters & Op-Ed, October 13 2021

Recognition only first step I commend and appreciate Pelham Town Council and staff's respectful marking of September 30's Day for Truth and Reconciliation. A very good inaugural of this day.

Letters & Op-Ed, October 6 2021

Port Robinson speeding isn't new The speed on Port Robinson Road hasn't just become an issue, it was an issue when I lived there for ten years ["Port Robinson Road has become a speedway, Sept. 29, p.1].

Letters & Op-Ed, September 29 2021

After honour of service, appreciates tribute It has been such a tremendous honour to have served this wonderful community of Pelham for over two decades, with the last 11 years as your Town Clerk.
EDITORIAL | Pelham Council's transit obstinacy

EDITORIAL | Pelham Council's transit obstinacy

T o understand Niagara transit in Pelham we have to appreciate that two separate discussions are occurring at once: the current “On Demand” system—the black vans that we see around town—and the future Regional Transit system.

Letters & Op-Ed, September 22 2021

Allison should stick to proven facts I’m very disappointed with Dean Allison's backtracking. Off-label use of any drug makes no sense when the vaccines were developed by science.

Letters & Op-Ed, September 15 2021

More of the same? Despite the fact that how one chooses to vote is intended to be a private matter since the days of a show of hands in the public square, I make it no secret in my circle of friends how I intend to vote in any election in which I par

COTE'S COMMENTS | The debate that was debatable

I f at some point in the future one might be looking into the archives for the recent leaders’ debate, it will surely be filed under comedies.

Letters & Op-Ed, September 8 2021

Allison slammed for “fringe” Covid cure stance Mr. Allison’s support of Ivermectin is irresponsible and frankly disturbing. Not only is Ivermectin ineffective against Covid-19, taking large doses of Ivermectin can be extremely dangerous.

Letters & Op-Ed, September 1 2021

Takes issue with “fish in a creek” I have some serious concerns about the editor’s response to Mr. Edell’s letter of last week [“TUC was hands-off,” Letters, Aug. 25, p.6].

Letters & Op-Ed, August 25 2021

About those blue "invoices" Dear Conservative Party, WTF (as in What the Fundraiser) were you thinking to approve such an underhanded, fraudulent, SCAM of a fundraiser? I believe if I were to execute such a devious plan I would be charged to the full