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Letters to the Editor

Letters & Op-Ed, August 18 2021

Small policy adjustment could make big difference I have had many people say to me that it is very sad, looking at the current urban development, that it has taken away the “charm” of Pelham.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 11 2021

Nominates next candidate for road safety paint Kudos for publishing that letter a few weeks back asking for some paint on the Haist Street speed bumps. They are now painted and much more visible.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 4 2021

"News crisis" deserves government attention These days, when I open my newspaper I'm always wondering whether it's the last time I'll get to read my favourite column or get a story about what's happening in our community.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 28 2021

Open letter on new tree policy Mayor and councillors, I have just been informed that the tree policy is on next Monday's agenda, but more importantly Town staff are presenting their “original” document for consideration by council.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 21 2021

Excellent turnout for Library book sale We've just returned from the Pelham Library's book sale. A huge shout-out to all the volunteers who ran this event. Absolutely amazing.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 14 2021

Dismissal of Residential schools cases “unthinkable” When I read the letter from J.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 7 2021

Snakes on a plain The first year we moved in to our house and before we had grass, there was a large snake curled up in the dirt in front of the house. I think it looked like this photo [Rattlesnakes in Pelham?, June 30, p.14].

Letters & Op-Ed, June 30 2021

Still a long way to go on path to genuine acceptance An interesting, if not surprising, account of the breadth and depth of same-sex desire [A double life, June 23, p.3].

Letters & Op-Ed, June 23 2021

Levay should be commended, not condemned I am writing this letter in support of car wash owner and Pelham citizen Gail Levay.

Letters & Op-Ed, June 16 2021

Hurray for the jabbed I just want to shout out to all the Fonthill and surrounding area residents. I am so proud to be among all of you (us) who are getting our vaccinations.