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Letters to the Editor

Letters & Op-Ed, September 16 2020

Open letter to PATC chair I'd like to thank you, Bea Clark, and your entire Pelham Active Transportation Committee team for the tireless work in helping shape our community and upgrading the Steve Bauer Trail.

Letters & Op-Ed, September 9 2020

Colleen Kenyon proposal doesn't respect health protocols I would like to offer some comments regarding Ward 1 candidate Colleen Kenyon’s statements about her views on returning to school [Op-Ed, “Hopeful action, not wishful thinking,” Sept. 2, p. 7].

Letters & Op-Ed, September 2 2020

Federico's approach to cannabis growers not realistic In his reaction to the recent Town charge against Leviathan for illegal growing at its site, Ward 1 candidate Mr.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 26 2020

Growth, okay, but don't cut corners on design, space How sad it is to see what is happening to our town. I know, my son constantly tells me, “It’s progress.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 19 2020

Happiness doesn't require divine intervention I found it amusing that in the midst of fruit-picking time in Niagara, Pastor Rob Weatherby went cherry-picking to find studies that confirm his belief that “church is good for you” [Faith Lift, Aug.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 12 2020

Amphibian mix-up It’s great to see articles related to nature and especially related to animals that don't get much press such as the frog [Once in a Blue...Frog?, August 5, p. 1].

Letters & Op-Ed, August 5 2020

Thomas J. Crick, Aug 4, 1963-Feb 26, 2017 Tom would have been 57 years old on Aug. 4. In recognition of his birthday, we are donating $1000 to Pancreatic Cancer Canada in Tom's memory.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 29 2020

Please include rural Fenwick in moth spray program I would like to bring awareness to how bad the gypsy moth infestation is in the Ward 1 area.
LETTER: Recognize any of these pre-Boomers?

LETTER: Recognize any of these pre-Boomers?

I am enclosing herewith a photo taken about 1947 of the teacher and students of the Township of Pelham's Chantler Road School. I believe this was a one-room elementary school of eight grades.
Letters & Commentary

Letters & Commentary

COMMENTARY/OP-ED: The Sexist-in-Chief People around the world watched as a ‘business’ man who has gone bankrupt seven times announced in June 2015 that he would be running for president.