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Bringing together young and old for 'Seedy Saturday'

Seed swap event will also feature workshops and activities
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Time to roll up your sleeves and put those green thumbs to work. On Saturday Feb. 8, the Thorold Centre 50+ is launching its new ‘Growing Together’ initiative with a Seedy Saturday event.

“We have ‘The Tattooed Gardener’ [Paul Gellatly] who is going to give a talk about his work as a curatorial horticulturalist at the Toronto Zoo,” says the event's organizer Leslie Daniels. “We also have a whole bunch of activities for kids.”

There will be several animals present, face painting, a magic show, and the fire department is bringing a fire truck.

Then there are the activities aimed at adults, such as workshops and demonstrations, and the main reason for the event: the seed swap.

To offer a wide range of seeds, the centre is receiving a little help from the 'Friends of the Richmond Street Forest'.

“They have native seeds and they're going to set up a table,” says Daniels. “We also have a huge supply of seeds to give away to people. They'll be broken down into vegetables, flowers and herbs.”

There will also be food and refreshments.

With the Seedy Saturday event, the Thorold Centre 50+ hopes to enrol people into their brand new ‘Growing Together’ club.

“‘Growing Together’ could be more than just plants,” says Daniels. “So we're looking at garden therapy. I've had speakers in the past for an older audience teaching them how to do fairy gardens or container-growing on their balconies and so forth. And that's therapy for people that are isolated or people that don't have gardens anymore. So we'll be setting up those sorts of workshops.”

Saturday's event will take place from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Thorold Centre 50+ on Carleton St. S.

The fun-filled day is a collaboration between the Thorold Centre 50+, the Thorold Age-friendly Committee, the Thorold Public Library, The Thorold Community Activities Group and the City of Thorold. 



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