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COTE'S COMMENTS | Beware! Artificial Intelligence in use

'Earlier this year thousands of AI experts suggested a pause on further development of AI systems'
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I mostly prefer to use this column to amuse and add some joy to living. However, I have come across a complex topic that alarms me and I fear that unless it is managed as a grievous matter it will cause great harm across the globe. Doing a modicum amount of research for this column has increased my concern with this topic and our future.

The topic is called artificial intelligence or more commonly referred to as AI. Recently, there has been a significant increase in the mass media coverage of this very complex, mostly misunderstood and powerful scientific mechanism.

Certainly there are many positives that result from the introduction of AI and many of these add to the joys, comforts, and other improvements in our lives. These benefits are in so many aspects of our lives such as in industry, health and other welfare aspects in our societies.

However, there is an important question that arises from such advancements. Do the benefits outweigh the consequences of significantly increasing the usage of AI in our lives? The self-driving automobile might be an improvement in the safety on the roads. However, displacing many of the workers in lower-skilled, less- educated jobs will result in high unemployed levels in those sectors of our society. Understanding and working in AI environments will require a more highly educated and properly skilled employees.

I don’t pretend to know all the threats nor benefits associated with the further introduction of AI. However, learning from the news media about some of the threats to humanity cause me some concern. I have noticed how there appears to be growing concerns associated with the developments of AI. Earlier this year thousands of AI experts suggested a pause on further development of AI systems. They supported this suggestion by stating that AI poses “profound risks to society and humanity.” Some of these experts suggested even worst-case scenarios and recommended a halt to further AI developments.

I freely admit to my ignorance about AI but upon learning the advice of the above AI experts more than dampens my spirit. My goodness! Banning AI altogether?

To add to that concern is contemplating the prospect that AI could be used by malevolent miscreants or unstable persons or groups to wreak havoc on people and democratic institutions. Imagine what might happen if antisocial advocates were to gain illegitimate access to the use of AI in their efforts to disrupt or even destroy beneficial social structures, norms or persons they disagree with.

A very scary actuality is associated with the advancements in AI systems. Each progression or new AI development has proved to be more intelligent than its earlier generation. Conceivably or very likely such progression would lead to the existence of systems more intelligent than the most intelligent humans. I expect MENSA members need be on the alert.

Well, as stated earlier, the fact that some AI applications have benefited societies is a good scenario. However, the possible misuse or irresponsible use could conceivably lead to great harm. Therefore, the continued development of AI systems need be carefully monitored to avoid undesirable and, possibly, unimaginable outcomes. This would require that governments around the globe to cooperate with each other in such an endeavor. Unfortunately, it often appears such cooperation is in scarce supply.