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FAITH LIFT | Be an Indiana Jones for Jesus


I just finished reading a good book.

Paul Borthwick wrote “How to be a World-Class Christian” in 2000 (revised in 2009). I had the privilege to hear Borthwick at a big missions conference in Illinois called “Urbana” years ago. He lives near Boston and has served many years as the missions pastor of Grace Chapel there. Over the years he has led numerous mission teams all over the world.

Be Nearsighted

Borthwick encourages believers to begin their missionary journey at home. He calls it being “nearsighted” – to see the needs of people near you. He quotes Oswald J. Smith (founding pastor of People’s Church in Toronto) who said, “The light that shines farthest shines the brightest close to home.”

Before Jesus left his disciples, he made a prophecy and a promise to them. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem…” (Acts 1:8). The disciples were to begin their ministry in the city where they lived.

Being a good witness involves both our words and our actions. The two must go together. It can start by simply looking for needs around us and lovingly trying to help. We try to help international students by meeting some of their social and practical needs.

This can mean running a weekly English class, driving them to café events with food and games, playing tennis, and collecting good used clothing for them. We also offer to meet their spiritual needs through Bible study and Christian video discussions if they desire.

Be Farsighted

Borthwick also encourages believers to be “farsighted” by developing a world vision. Every believer can learn about and pray for global needs. Most believers can give to support cross-cultural workers serving abroad. And God will call some believers to leave their country and culture to take the Gospel to faraway places where most people have never even heard about Jesus or the Gospel (Good News).

In Acts 1:8 (mentioned above), Jesus didn’t stop at Jerusalem. He told his disciples to also be his witnesses “in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” If Jesus had been talking to me today, he would have told me to be his witness “in Niagara, in all Ontario and Canada, and to the ends of the earth.” It begins at home but our concern should grow outward.

That is what Borthwick calls a “world-class Christian”. He defines such a believer this way – “someone whose lifestyle and obedience are compatible, in cooperation, and in accord with what God is doing and wants to do in our world.”

Be An Indiana Jones

Borthwick tells the story of a “missions night” at a young boys’ group at his church. The boys were expecting a boring presentation. The speaker started by asking, “How would you like to be an Indiana Jones for Jesus?”. He suddenly had their attention.

“What attracts you to the exploits of Indiana Jones?” he continued. The boys responded, “He lives a life of adventure”, “He goes to exotic places”, “He eats weird things”, “He hangs around interesting people”, “He confronts evil powers”, “He seeks after and finds treasures”, “He lives on the edge of danger!”

The speaker explained that God is calling young people into an exciting adventure that involves all those things. The “Great Commission” (see Matthew 28:18-20) that Jesus left us is not for the weak of heart. It is global in scope reaching into exotic places and cultures very different from our own. It may involve eating weird things while praying “Lord, I’ll get it down if you keep it down.” There will be fascinating people to meet and spiritual powers to confront. And the greatest treasure of all will be to lead seekers to God, eternal life, and the “pearl of great price” (see Matthew 13:45-46).

Renowned Swiss author, Paul Tournier, wrote “Life is an adventure directed by God”. So, let’s get on board… but you can leave your Indiana hat and whip at home.

Rob Weatherby is a retired pastor.