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FAITH LIFT | Life's great watershed

'So, whether you were raised in a Christian home or not, you’re hearing about a God who loves you'

Have you ever driven by a watershed sign?

The one I remember best is located about halfway between Sudbury (our home for 23 years) and Timmins. The big sign announced that this was the dividing line between the major watershed of northern Ontario. What exactly did it mean?

The Canadian Shield
Without that sign I would have no way of knowing about this geographic reality. It would have been just one more ridge or hill on my journey. But something amazing was actually happening there.

When it rains along the watershed line, the raindrops land very close to each other when they hit the ground. But they will end up thousands of miles apart. You see the raindrops on the northern side of the line will feed streams which feed rivers which eventually end up draining into the Arctic Ocean way to the north.

However, the raindrops landing on the southern side of the line will begin a long trek in a very different direction. They will feed streams which feed rivers which will drain into the Great Lakes and eventually end up in the Atlantic Ocean far to the east.

Wow! They begin so close together but end up so far apart.

The Canadian soul
Can you see a spiritual application here? Without God’s Word (the Scriptures) we wouldn’t have any way of knowing spiritual reality either.

But let’s imagine that you and your friend are both listening to a Gospel message. The word “Gospel” means “good news” (which we can all use a bit more of these days). The message may come to you via the Internet, TV, radio, print or the caring sharing of a friend.

So, whether you were raised in a Christian home or not, you’re hearing about a God who loves you. You hear that this God allowed his own unique and beloved Son to die in your place on a cross for your sins many years ago. You hear that everyone has their own decision to make. Your parents, your spouse or your best friend can’t make it for you. It needs to be personal, sincere and real.

You decide that this message is true. Something “clicks”. The “penny drops”. You decide that this is the right time to get right with God. So, you close your eyes (or not) and offer a heartfelt prayer asking God to forgive you of your sins and to make his home in your heart.

There’s no fireworks, no rush of tears (although some do experience these things) but you’ve been sincere and you believe your prayer has been heard. This “raindrop” of faith is now headed slowly and surely to an eternal destination called heaven.

Now let’s imagine that your friend sitting beside you reacts differently. He or she says, “That’s interesting. Maybe I’ll think about it later.” Or “That’s rubbish. I’m a pretty good person and I don’t feel the need for any Savior.” Or “That’s fine for someone else, but I’m not the religious type.” That “raindrop” of unbelief, doubt or delay begins its journey in a very different direction.

If nothing changes in between, those two souls end up in two very different destinies and destinations. “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5:11-12) Believe it or not, you’ve just had a “raindrop” land on your soul. Which way will it go?

Rob Weatherby is a retired pastor.