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LETTER: It's time to hold publicly funded agencies accountable

'Do you remember when accountability meant being responsible for your actions'

PelhamToday received the following letter from Tom Airth about a previous letter Developer-cozy policies predate Ford:

Are you the product of parents who often stated “there never was a stroke went astray but the one that missed you!"

If you are, you’re in that ever growing part of society that just doesn’t grasp why accountability has gone the way of the dodo! Do you remember when accountability meant being responsible for your actions (see above quote) rather than now when it has morphed into two words meaning the ability of the accountant doing your taxes! 

If you do then you must be just as frustrated as I and the writer of “Developer-cozy policies predate Ford”! Our parents must be as mad as (insert word of choice) as they watch their children passively (sheepishly) give money to tax funded operations that are answerable to no one!

For months I tried to find out who held the board I was forced to deal with accountable, and I was told by the Policy Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General that the board must be free from any government interference to preserve their independence, but I was assured that we are giving them an additional $6.5 million to improve their productivity!

If Madame DeFarge was alive today she probably wouldn’t be able to afford the wool (due to the tax on sheepishness) necessary to sew a tapestry large enough to name all the people that we dare not interfere with!

My dad also used to say, don’t complain about a problem unless you can offer a solution, so here goes: Let’s take the time to vote and then we can be held accountable for the people that are supposed to be representing us! Let’s try to find someone who is willing to hold these public funded agencies accountable!

If we make a mistake, get rid of them in the next election and if nothing else the folks that seem to be able to influence them will have to buy a new batch and we can say “we tried"!

Tom Airth 