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YEAR IN REVIEW: Riding the learning curve, looking ahead to 2024

Ward 3 Councillor Shellee Niznik encourages volunteerism
Pelham Councillor Shellee Niznik volunteering with this year's Pelham Cares Winter Food Drive.

I have always loved learning and this year has been a huge learning curve for me as I reflect on my first year as a Ward 3 councillor. Learning the fundamentals of politics has been fascinating and I’ve enjoyed working with residents on various issues (traffic, flooding, park maintenance, water meters, tree plantings, etc.).

Learning that I don’t have quite as much power when it comes to Town planning as I had hoped has also been an eye opener and sometimes frustrating as development in built up areas has or will change the fabric in some places. However, revitalizing other areas is exciting and the continued completion of East Fonthill is great to see both in terms of meeting housing needs and increasing our variety of retail options.

Working with the Pelham Senior Advisory Committee and the Lincoln Pelham Public Library Board has been fruitful and rewarding. Increasing communications for seniors and promoting Town activities was our major focus and came with much success. The Library folks are working towards additions/renovations for both Pelham and Vineland branches. Installing our portable Book Kiosk at the MCC is a wonderful way for folks to pick up a book for reading while they’re there! In 2024, look for our Bookmobile, which will be out and about for residents to borrow from too.

Completing the construction on Pelham Street was a major achievement this year and I hope you’ll enjoy using both the road and the sidewalks. I hope you’ve been able to enjoy those wonderful washrooms at Town Hall during events held there this past summer. Work on Centennial Park is underway and by spring folks will be able to enjoy new updated washrooms and order their food under the new overhang and fresh concrete pad area.

Also very notable has been the installation of our Town’s first EV charging stations! Those at Town Hall’s parking lot and the Meridian Centre will be well used as time progresses.

"As with all towns, we struggle to balance service vs. cost"

As with all towns, we struggle to balance service vs. cost. This past year, through some grants, careful spending and prioritization, we were able to keep our taxes in the mid-range in comparison to other municipalities in the Region. We will once again endeavour to do that this coming year.

There is much to be done in the coming 12 months—investigating clean out of storm water ponds, renovations to our Fire Station #1, rethinking our Public Works yard, revitalizing roads, bridges, and drains, and keeping our MCC working efficiently and meeting the many needs of residents through creative activities. I also look forward to moving forward with our newly established Cultural Advisory Committee in the new year.

One thing you can do to help our Town is to volunteer some of your time or expertise to a local organization, including nine athletic organizations, the Lions, Kinsmen, Pelham Cares, etc. We count on everyone to play a small part in keeping our community a vibrant and welcoming town.

Thank you for always being respectful and kind when you’ve called or emailed with a concern. I look forward to continuing to work for and represent you to ensure our town remains vital, relevant and a place that folks are proud to live in. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Joyous Kwanzaa.