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Common Decency

COMMON DECENCY | From cabbie to professor in three generations

COMMON DECENCY | From cabbie to professor in three generations

Dustin Hoffman had an artificial fart balloon with him, which he insisted on showing off
COMMON DECENCY | An ironic book ban

COMMON DECENCY | An ironic book ban

School board in Utah says book containing incest, masturbation, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation unfit. That book? The Bible
COMMON DECENCY | Fly the flag

COMMON DECENCY | Fly the flag

Quebec eliminated its Catholic and Protestant school boards in 1997
COMMON DECENCY | Ban ignorance, not books

COMMON DECENCY | Ban ignorance, not books

'For any authentic Christian who takes the faith seriously this is a dreadful misunderstanding and twisting of what scripture is about'
COMMON DECENCY | Learning from history – mistakes as well as triumphs

COMMON DECENCY |Learning from history – mistakes as well as triumphs

Even if you lived through it, this history of the 1990s is worth your time
COMMON DECENCY | Time to be condemned

COMMON DECENCY | Time to be condemned

'It’s now increasingly about spasm and shouting, and hatred and hysteria'
COMMON DECENCY | Passion and change

COMMON DECENCY | Passion and change

'Oberammergau caused enormous harm and was, if you like, on the wrong side of history'
COMMON DECENCY | In forgiveness, strength

COMMON DECENCY | In forgiveness, strength

'Social media is distended with armchair warriors roaring their defiance and rudeness in a sad, broken attempt to display toughness'
COMMON DECENCY | Sweet tooth, sweet imports

COMMON DECENCY | Sweet tooth, sweet imports

In corner shops the Empire lives, if only in the imagination


'The idea of the “good death” is often a misnomer, even an oxymoron'