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PEOPLE AND POLITICS | The Ontario election campaign: An overview

PEOPLE AND POLITICS | The Ontario election campaign: An overview

V oting is very important, but making the decision about who to vote for can be difficult. There is a great deal of information floating around out there and you seldom find a party or candidate whose views are exactly in line with your own.

Letters & Op-Ed, May 25 2022

Thank you from Friends of Maple Acre Library On behalf of the Friends of Maple Acre we would like to thank the Voice for the coverage of our cleanup, tree carving, and garden project. Your coverage was most appreciated.

COMMON DECENCY | Food, family, and faith

L et us say grace, as it were. The 60s are beguiling. I don’t mean the 1960s. I was born in 1959 and couldn’t say “permissive society” back then, let alone live it.

Letters & Op-Ed, May 18 2022

Wants freedom defined Mr. Poilievre continues to mimic Mr. Trump and France’s Ms LePen in his bid to lead Canada with a call to “freedom.” Our government is not despotic, we are not banning books, and women’s rights are protected.

COMMON DECENCY | The unholy battle over abortion

T here is nothing Christian about allowing women to die in illegal backstreet abortions. Nothing Christian about removing the basic right of a woman to control her own body. Nothing Christian about wanting to criminalize female equality.

SIDEBAR | Band-Aid fixes aren't enough: The concept of “White Privilege”

Following the worldwide outcry at the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers two years ago this month, in June of 2020 Johnson & Johnson announced that for the first time in 99 years of manufacture, Band-Aids would be produced in a

COMMON DECENCY | Charlie and the Anti-Semite Factory

N etflix has bought the rights to Roald Dahl’s children’s books from the late author’s family.
EDITORIAL | The Gang's all here, and they aren't very happy

EDITORIAL | The Gang's all here, and they aren't very happy

L ast Friday, Pelham Town Councillor Marianne Stewart, on behalf of her fellow frequent voting bloc members Lisa Haun, Bob Hildebrandt, and Ron Kore, sent a very cranky letter to this newspaper.

COMMON DECENCY | Stop cherry-picking the Bible to justify oppression

O ne day, God willing, there will be no more need to write about the relationship between Christians and the LGBTQ community. Equality and acceptance will be the set position for churches, and the debate will be over.

Letters & Op-Ed, April 27 2022

Council's failure to respect science a sad commentary I would like to voice my profound disappointment in Pelham Town Council's lack of support regarding the motion brought forward by Councillor Wayne Olson at the April 19 council meeting.