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Deferral number 46 for Fonthill butcher

'Disclosure issue' prompts yet another delay in Richard Lowes sex assault case
Richard Lowes, left, departs court in St. Catharines on April 3 2024 after proceedings in the sexual assault case against him were deferred for a 46th time.

A brief court appearance – less than a minute in total – on April 3 marked the 46th time the case against Fonthill butcher Richard Lowes has been deferred to a date down the calendar.

Dressed casually in brown pants and a gray quarter-zip sweater, Lowes stood when his name was called at the top of the docket in a St. Catharines courtroom early Wednesday morning. He didn’t speak however, as his legal representation immediately requested the matter be deferred to a later date, due to a “disclosure issue.”

The judge accepted the request and scheduled the matter to return to court on April 19. 

Lowes, owner of the Country Corner Market in Fonthill, was first charged back in March 2021 with three counts of sexual assault and one count of sexual interference with a person under the age of 16.