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PUBLISHER'S CORNER | September 14 2022

PUBLISHER'S CORNER | September 14 2022

P utting Parkingate to rest: While I had hoped to stay out of this particular brouhaha, with this week’s second letter to the editor regarding mayoral candidate Frank Adamson’s choice of parking spot, there are a couple of useful points to add, and t

Letters & Op-Ed, September 7 2022

The “California stop,” two-wheel-style As I read John Swart’s contribution last week, “Understanding the true value of rural Pelham” [The Balanced Life, Aug. 31, p.22], I could not help but laugh. Mr.
EDITORIAL | The lamest of Lame Duck councillors

EDITORIAL | The lamest of Lame Duck councillors

T he corollary to the adage that all good things must come to an end is that all bad things also, mercifully, end. And so it is with 75 percent of the Gang of Four on Pelham Town Council.

COMMON DECENCY | When The Apple Cart contains poisoned fruit

W hen I was researching my biography of H.G. Wells in the early 1990s what shocked me was the man’s lifelong support for social engineering and eugenics.
PEOPLE AND POLITICS | An indirect plea to get out the vote

PEOPLE AND POLITICS | An indirect plea to get out the vote

W e just finished voting in the provincial election in June, and now we are facing municipal elections on October 24. It seems a bit early to be making the plea that people like me frequently do about “be sure to vote.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 31 2022

Nor did humans and dinosaurs coexist on Earth When I read the heading of Pastor Weatherby’s column last week, “Avoiding the e-words,” I said to myself, “Here it comes, the tired old trope that Evolution is not a fact, but a theory.” [Faith Lift, Aug.

COMMON DECENCY | When mere adequacy wasn’t adequate enough

T here have been easier times to be Pope. I don’t mean now, with the relatively gentle divisions between conservative and reformer, but during the Second World War, when the irrational became the norm and genocidal madness dominated Europe.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 24 2022

Picnic success a credit to all I would like to thank all the volunteers that stepped up to help the North Pelham community picnic be the success that it was! From the kitchen staff, who did an outstanding job in their preparation, the burger flippers

COMMON DECENCY | A castaway on Moderation Island

I ’m an orphan. Not literally, as my late parents embraced the daunting task of raising their natural offspring rather well. I’m a political and emotional orphan, a saddened figure wandering in no-man’s land and lamenting the lack of belonging.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 17 2022

Council again fails Ridgeville This is to express my disappointment in Pelham Town Council for not approving the creation of parking at the Shoppes of Ridgeville.