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COMMON DECENCY | Goodness and kindness more urgent than ever in these times of bitter polarization

I ’ve been an ordained Anglican cleric for three years and conducted numerous ceremonies but never before have I presided over a baptism in the morning, and a funeral in the afternoon.

COMMON DECENCY | Anti-choice? Read on

T he consequences of the United States Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade are still thundering on.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 10 2022

Sad and avoidable end It was disgusting that the lone female Arctic wolf that got loose last week in Port Colborne was shot. Especially after the humane society and a wolf group announced humane trapping methods were in place.
ANOTHER ROUND | In the words of Sophocles, What you cannot enforce, do not command

ANOTHER ROUND | In the words of Sophocles, What you cannot enforce, do not command

A n interesting thing about the game of golf is the better you are the less risk you tend to take.

Letters & Op-Ed, August 3 2022

Calls for a new paradigm Google says about 4,000 exo-planets have been discovered so far by astronomers. What’s the big picture these discoveries reveal? Firstly, are we on planet Earth all that special? Actually I believe we are. And here’s why.

COMMON DECENCY | Pope's apology tour, grudgingly agreed, is but a start

T he Papal visit to Canada was, of course, a very good thing.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 27 2022

The poor pay taxes too There is nothing wrong with sharing the wealth and it is very laudable for David Fowler to want to share his wealth with whoever he pleases [“There’s nothing wrong with sharing the wealth,” Letters, July 13, p.4].

COMMON DECENCY | 43 Group fought fire with fire to avoid greater conflagration

F or a column that is essentially about my late father, it might seem slightly odd to begin with a blunt political statement. But here goes.

Letters & Op-Ed, July 20 2022

Kudos to Welland Hospital ER Saturday, after going to a Pelham walk-in clinic (online hours differed from note on the door), then a Seaway Mall clinic and finding them both closed, I called several in St. Catharines with no luck.

COMMON DECENCY | On the brink of conservatism that's divorced from facts

P olitical conservatism has come a long way. But in the spirit of the word and the ideology, that doesn’t signify progress.